EGBA calls for online gambling licensing system, end of monopoly in Finland
Finland is one of only three EU member states which currently does not have, or is not on the path towards, a licensing system for online gambling. The other two countries are Ireland and Slovenia, which both have no regulation for online gambling at all. Whilst there is online gambling regulation in Finland, the state-owned monopoly is the only entity which is licensed to provide gambling products on the Finnish market.
In 2009, only 5 EU member states had multi-license regimes, whereas the rest – like Finland – had monopolies and prohibitions. Ten years later and this situation has changed dramatically with multi-license regimes now having been adopted in 25 member states (see our map for more details). This shift towards multi-licensing regimes is positive, as it is a vital element of any competitive and well-functioning regulated market.
“We are seeing in Europe a clear trend in favour of the development of online gambling regulations which are underpinned by a licensing system. Finland is now only one of 3 EU countries which does not yet have a licensing system for online gambling – and we encourage the Finnish authorities to introduce one. The introduction of a licensing system in Finland would allow players to play on websites regulated in Finland and which protect them under Finnish regulations. Consumers would be better protected and the Finnish authorities would benefit from increased tax revenues from gambling.” – Maarten Haijer, Secretary General, European Gaming and Betting Association (EGBA)