Press Releases

Deutschland: Geplante Online-Casino-Steuer würde stationäre Anbieter begünstigen und gegen EU-Beihilfevorschriften verstoßen


Ein Vorschlag des deutschen Bundesrats zur Besteuerung der Einsätze bei Online-Poker- und virtuellen Automatenspielen würde dazu führen, dass mehr deutsche Spieler nicht lizenzierte Onlineangebote nutzen werden und den Betreibern stationärer Angebote einen erheblichen und unfairen Steuervorteil verschaffen. Er würde allein in Bayern jährlich bis zu 290 Millionen Euro ausmachen. Brüssel, 4. Mai 2021 - Die European Gaming and Betting Association (EGBA) hat heute davor gewarnt, dass ein Vorschlag des deutschen Bundesrats zur Einführung einer 5,3-prozentigen Steuer auf Spieleeinsätze bei Online-Poker und virtuelle Automatenspiele das Hauptziel des neuen Glücksspielstaatsvertrags, Kunden von Online-Poker und virtuellen Automatenspielen in den regulierten Markt zu lenken, konterkarieren und gegen EU-Beihilfevorschriften verstoßen würde. Die vorgeschlagene Steuergesetzgebung würde sich in zweifacher Hinsicht auswirken: Zum einen würde sie die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit des lizenzierten und regulierten Angebots von Online-Poker und virtueller Automatenspiele beeinträchtigen. Eine von Goldmedia[1] veröffentlichte aktuelle Spielerumfrage ergab, dass bei Inkrafttreten der neuen Steuer 49 Prozent der deutschen Spieler...

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Europe’s gambling revenues to drop 23% in 2020 but online maintains growth - new data


Online gambling will take a higher share of Europe’s gambling market revenue this year but will not compensate for major land-based declines, as total market revenue plummets due to COVID-19. Brussels, Today - Europe’s total gambling revenue will drop 23% this year - from €98.6bn gross gaming revenue (GGR[1]) in 2019 to €75.9bn in 2020 – as the gambling sector feels the impact of COVID-19, according to new data published by the European Gaming and Betting Association (EGBA) in partnership with H2 Gambling Capital. The data, covering EU-27 and UK markets, forecasts Europe’s online gambling revenue to increase by 7% this year – from €24.5bn GGR in 2019 to €26.3bn in 2020 – despite a significant drop in online revenue during Q2 as a result of the cancellation of major European sports. However, this will not compensate for Europe’s major land-based declines, with land-based gambling revenue expected to drop by 33% this year...

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Spain’s incoming advertising restrictions favour state-run lotteries, could conflict with EU state aid rules


Spain’s state-run lotteries account for at least 34% of the country’s gambling advertising spend but they will be exempt from the Spanish government’s incoming restrictions on gambling advertising, a move which EGBA considers discriminatory and potentially in conflict with EU state aid rules. Brussels, Today - Spain’s Ministry of Consumer Affairs is shortly expected to introduce new restrictions on gambling advertising, leading to a near complete ban on advertising. Under the restrictions, gambling advertising would be allowed only at night between 1.00-5.00 am and there would be a total ban on gambling sponsorship of sports jerseys, kits and stadiums. But the biggest gambling companies and advertisers, the country’s state-run lottery companies, ONCE and SELAE, will be exempted from the measures. EGBA considers the decision to grant the state-run lotteries an exemption from the restrictions to be discriminatory towards private companies and, by allowing the state-run lotteries advertising privileges, could potentially...

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COVID-19: European Gambling Associations Renew Commitment to Safer Online Gambling and Responsible Advertising As Coronavirus Restrictions Return


15 online gambling associations issue renewed call for safer gambling and responsible advertising in Europe during COVID-19. Brussels, Today – As many European countries face the return of more severe coronavirus-related (COVID-19) restrictions, online gambling associations have renewed their commitment to safer gambling and responsible advertising by outlining essential measures which gambling companies should rigorously apply to protect their customers. The reintroduction of more severe restrictions could again lead to citizens spending prolonged periods at home and raise concerns that isolation could increase the risks of addictive behaviours, including those related to gambling. Gambling companies should therefore be vigilant to promote safer gambling and protect their customers, particularly those who are vulnerable, during these difficult times. Despite concerns to the contrary, online gambling substantially declined in Europe during the lockdown between March and May, according to official government reporting.[1] The data published by gambling regulators revealed that, with the cancellation...

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Efforts by Europe’s major gambling brands leads to 20% reduction in unintentional advertising on IPR-infringing websites – report


A new report from the European Commission has found that the efforts of EGBA member companies and other major gambling brands has led to a 20% reduction in the unintentional placement of their advertising on websites which infringe on intellectual property rights. Brussels, Today – A new European Commission report has found that an industry-led memorandum of understanding on online advertising and intellectual property rights has led to a significant reduction in the unintentional placement of advertising from Europe’s major gambling brands on websites which infringe upon intellectual property rights. The memorandum of understanding (MoU), published in 2018, was established with the purpose of limiting advertising on websites, such as illegal sports streaming sites, and mobile applications that infringe copyright or disseminate counterfeit goods. The MoU is a voluntary agreement signed by various industry associations which represent Europe’s major online advertising sectors and is facilitated and coordinated by the European...

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Portuguese gambling association APAJO endorses EGBA’s European code of conduct on responsible advertising


Portuguese online gambling association endorses EGBA’s pan-European code of conduct on responsible advertising. BRUSSELS/LISBON, 25 JUNE 2020 – The Portuguese association for online betting and gambling (APAJO) has today officially endorsed EGBA’s European code of conduct on responsible advertising for online gambling, becoming the fifth national gambling association[1] to endorse the code. APAJO will now promote the code to its members and other online gambling companies in Portugal and encourage them to sign up to it. EGBA’s code is the first pan-European initiative for online gambling advertising and leads the way in responsible standards for advertising. The code introduces essential consumer protection measures for responsible advertising content, social media and dedicated measures for minor protection. The code applies to EGBA members, other EU/EEA-based online gambling companies who sign up to it, and its application will be monitored by an independent third party. A recent analysis found the code to complement and reinforce the existing regulation...

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