Commission Publishes Guidance on Upcoming New Data Protection Rules

The Commission published yesterday guidance to facilitate a direct and smooth application of the new data protection rules across the EU as of 25 May. The Commission also launches a new online tool dedicated to SMEs. With just over 100 days left before the application of the new law, the guidance outlines what the European Commission, national data protection authorities and national administrations should still do to bring the preparation to a successful completion. While the new regulation provides for a single set of rules directly applicable in all Member States, it will still require significant adjustments in certain aspects, like amending existing laws by EU governments or setting up the European Data Protection Board by data protection authorities. The guidance recalls the main innovations, opportunities opened up by the new rules, takes stock of the preparatory work already undertaken and outlines the work still ahead of the European Commission, national data protection authorities and national administrations.

Source: European Commission

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