William Hill: Making positive contributions to society
It is the people working at William Hill who drive our positive contributions to society and community engagement. All of our community programmes are powered by the enthusiasm and support of colleagues who understands that community involvement is one of the best reflections of our values as a business. The William Hill Foundation was established in 2011 with the aim of administering a hardship fund for colleagues and overseeing our charitable partnerships. During 2020, the Foundation worked across three areas: supporting mental health and well-being, the needs of colleagues, and employability. Some key initiatives are described below.
Scottish Football Association ‘Support Within Sport’
Through our Support Within Sport partnership, a clinical support service is available to all 42 male Scottish Premiership Football League clubs, as well as the 16 Scottish Women’s Premier League teams, coaches and referees. Current services provided include an initial assessment by an experienced sports medicine doctor and counselling for individuals who are presenting with mental-health-related issues. Since the programme’s launch in 2016, over 200 players and coaches have made contact and received help through the service.
Alzheimer’s Society
The William Hill Foundation’s three-year partnership with the Alzheimer’s Society continued in 2020, focused on increased awareness and understanding of dementia. Despite the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, William Hill colleagues supported the Alzheimer’s Society through a number of virtual fundraising activities. 2020 also saw the launch of a Dementia Friends e-learning module available to all William Hill colleagues, providing guidance and information to help support people living with dementia.
Raising Futures
As part of the legacy from our five-year Project Africa commitment, the William Hill Foundation supports Raising Futures, a Kenyan charity developing skills and opportunities for young people, to help them become financially independent. This year’s grant has helped provide the charity’s Seed of Hope vocational training centres with essential sanitation and health and safety training, to ensure the centres are safe to open this year and better able to manage the impact of Covid-19.
William Hill International
Our International hub is based in Malta and with strict restrictions implemented by the Maltese Government on travelling and the entertainment sector, the Maltese community has been particularly impacted by the huge reduction in tourism. William Hill International has supported Foodbank Lifeline Malta, a local NGO supporting local communities in need. William Hill International reallocated the annual budget for social colleague events in support of Foodbank Lifeline Malta.
Environmental commitments
William Hill has committed to become a carbon-neutral business. In October 2020, we switched to 100% Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin (REGO) electricity in the UK, to significantly reduce our carbon footprint. This switch means we can report zero emissions for electricity under the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol Corporate Standards, Scope 2, which guarantee that the electricity we provide will only come from solar, wind or hydro sources. We will save almost 61,500 tonnes of CO2 across our three-year contract, which is the equivalent of taking 38,000 cars off the UK’s roads.
Economic contribution
William Hill paid a total of £292m in taxes and duties in 2020. In addition, the Group collects taxes on behalf of governments making the total tax contribution in 2020 c.£356m. We also repaid the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme monies to the UK Government, amounting to £24.5m in 2020.
More information:
- William Hill’s Sustainability Report 2020/21
* This article appeared in EGBA’s recently published Sustainability Report 2020/21.