Position Papers

EGBA reply to e-privacy consultation
Digital Single Market
The e-Privacy Directive (Directive 2002/58/EC on privacy and electronic communications) concerns the protection of privacy and personal data in the electronic communication sector. The Communication on a Digital Single Market Strategy for Europe (COM(2015) 192 final) of 6 May 2015 (DSM Communication) sets out that once the new EU rules on data protection are adopted, the ensuing review of the e-Privacy Directive should focus on ensuring a high level of protection for data subjects and a level playing field for all market players. Given that the e-Privacy Directive particularises and complements the Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC that will be replaced by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), this questionnaire contains several questions related to the interplay between the e-Privacy Directive and the future GDPR
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EGBA reply to consultation on geoblocking
Digital Single Market
This consultation aims at gathering views and opinions on the different restrictions faced by users, consumers and businesses when they access or provide information, shop or sell across the borders in the European Union.
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EGBA reply to online platform consultation
Digital Single Market
The Commission invites all interested parties to express their views on the questions targeting relations between platform providers and holders of rights in digital content (Question starting with "[A1]"), taking account of the Commission Communication "Towards a modern, more European copyright framework" of 9 December 2015. Technical features of the questionnaire have been adapted accordingly.
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EGBA reply to consultation on online contract rules for digital purchases
Digital Single Market
Questionnaire on contract rules for online purchases of digital content and tangible goods.
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EGBA reply to AVMSD consultation
Digital Single Market
For digital service sectors, such as the online gambling sector, a wellfunctioning (digital) single market is pivotal to their success. Businesses that are cross-border by nature suffer from a lack of harmonisation. The Audiovisual Media Service Directive is an important piece of the puzzle in the digital single market framework in which businesses operate. At the core of the Directive is the country of origin principle which is essential to the functioning of the digital single market. Without the latter the Directive would lose its purpose and benefits.
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The online gambling sector in the EU’s digital economy
Digital Single Market
Europe Needs a Fully Fledged Single Market for Online Gambling The 28 mini internet gambling markets cause significant gaps in consumer protection, drive away players to unregulated websites outside the EU and cost Europe €5,6 billion per annum.*
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