Position Papers

EGBA Manifesto on a sustainable EU policy for online gambling
European Commission Gambling Initiatives
This manifesto sets out the 5 policy recommendations that EGBA believes are the basis for an effective EU framework that can enable responsible and successful development of the online gambling market. 1. The European Commission to fulfil its role as Guardian of the Treaty, 2. Structured regulatory cooperation among national authorities, 3. An EU legal framework for online gambling, 4. Problem gambling prevention measures based on evidence, 5. EU action to fight sport fraud
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EGBA, ESSA, RGA position paper on the Council of Europe proposal for a convention on match fixing
Fight Against Match-fixing
The European Gaming and Betting Association (EGBA)1 , the Remote Gambling Association (RGA)2 and the European Sports Security Association (ESSA)3 are pleased to provide their position to the Council of Europe Ministers for Sport on the possible creation of an international convention against match-fixing. All three associations have been active participants in the hearings leading up to the adoption of the Council of Europe recommendation on match-fixing last year.
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EGBA reply to the European Commission questionnaire on the review of the 3rd Anti Money Laundering Directive
Anti-money Laundering
The European Gaming and Betting Association (EGBA) 1 is pleased to submit its views on the review of the 3 rd AML directive. The EGBA represents the leading online gaming and betting operators established, licensed and regulated within the EU. Our members offer services online such as sports betting, poker, casino, bingo and backgammon. All EGBA members comply with a set of strict rules in terms of governance and account control. Some of our members are publicly listed companies.
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EGBA position on sports to the Polish Presidency of the EU
Fight Against Match-fixing
The European Gaming and Betting Association (EGBA)1 is pleased to submit its position on the issue of match fixing and financing of sports, which the Polish Presidency aims to discuss and adopt conclusions on in the context of the EU Council on Education, Youth, Culture and Sport later this year.
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EGBA second letter to Polish Minister Boni on the reform of the betting market
Fight Against Match-fixing
I am writing to you in response to letters you have sent to a number of members of the European Gaming and Betting Association (EGBA) on gaming and betting operations in Poland. This letter is on behalf of those members.
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EGBA contribution to the Green Paper on online gambling in the Internal Market
European Commission Gambling Initiatives
The launch of the Green Paper represents a bold and at the same time inevitable step for online gambling in the EU. Whereas others have shirked their responsibilities, Commissioner Barnier has taken a first step towards a European approach in a sector characterised at present by unsustainable legal uncertainty and fragmentation. Initial reactions at the European Parliament confirm that there indeed is political momentum to move forward at EU level. The true test for the Commission will be to ensure that the consultation phase is followed by concrete proposals that will effectively address market fragmentation and legal uncertainty.
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