
Study on risk assessment and management and prevention of conflicts of interest in the prevention and fight against betting-related match fixing in the EU 28 , by Asser Institute, 2014
Match Fixing
This report concerns the provisions and practices on betting-related match fixing in sports within the 28 Member States. Carried out in late 2013/early 2014, respondents in each Member State reported on that state’s gambling related provisions in respect of football and tennis and (in each country) a third sport determined on the basis of either its popularity (in terms of participation or television viewing) or the existence of betting-related “scandals” in that sport within that particular jurisdiction. Those reports helped the authors to compare the Member States’ regulatory and self-regulatory frameworks relating to risk assessment and conflict of interest management, with a view to indicating areas of best practice, identifying particularly good legislative frameworks and highlighting areas where change was either desirable or necessary. While some individual Member States have legislation which might provide templates that others could adapt for their own use, the authors were not convinced that “more law”, whether at the national or European level, was desirable. Rather, more effective cooperation among the stakeholders was identified as being more likely to provide tangible benefits than would new legal frameworks.
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The odds of match- fixing: facts and figures on the integrity risk of certain sports bets, by Asser Institute, 2014
Match Fixing
As a result of technological advances and particularly the emergence and growth of the online gambling market, sports betting opportunities have increased dramatically, both in terms of the number of sport events and the number of betting markets available. This diversification of the sports betting offer has caused considerable concern among various stakeholders. It is often argued that some of these new betting options pose inherent threats to the integrity of sports events.
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The cost of Non Europe in the Single Market, by GHK for the European Parliament, 2014
Gambling in the Single Market
In May 2013 the European Parliament's Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Policy (IMCO) requested a Cost of Non-Europe Report in the field of the European Single Market. Cost of Non-Europe Reports are intended to evaluate the possibilities for economic or other gains and/or the realisation of a ‘public good’ through common action at EU level in specific policy areas and sectors.
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UK: An economic and social review of gambling, 2013
Responsible Gambling
The paper considers the nature and scale of the benefits and costs of gambling, with special reference to machine gaming. Although the industry is argued to be unlikely to have a significant macroeconomic impact, evidence is consistent with it generating considerable benefits to individual (responsible) consumers, whether measured by consumer surplus or through the pattern of responses to a wellbeing question. At the same time, a minority of users of gaming facilities, problem gamblers, appear to make consistently flawed decisions such that those with gambling disorder experience exceptionally low wellbeing. Public policy and regulatory decisions should consider the effects, on the margin, on both the net benefits to recreational gamblers and the net costs to problem gamblers. Many policy decisions may involve a trade-off between the welfare of recreational gamblers and the welfare of problem gamblers. Contemporary interest in targeted policies appears to represent an attempt to avoid the need to confront such a trade-off by searching for policies which are aimed very explicitly at problem gamblers alone.
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European Commission: Gambling related harms in ALICE RAP (7th Research Framework Program), July 2013
Responsible Gambling
ALICE RAP (Addiction and Lifestyles in Contemporary Europe - Reframing Addictions Project) is a five year European research project: co-financed by the European Commission, Bringing together around 200 scientists from more than 25 countries and 29 different disciplines. It aims to strengthen scientific evidence to inform the public and political dialogue and to stimulate a broad and productive debate on current and alternative approaches to addictions.
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The use of online gambling for money laundering and the financing of terrorism purposes, Moneyval, April 2013
Money Laundering
The Committee of Experts on the Evaluation of Anti-Money Laundering Measures and the Financing of Terrorism - MONEYVAL is a permanent monitoring body of the Council of Europe entrusted with the task of assessing compliance with the principal international standards to counter money laundering and the financing of terrorism and the effectiveness of their implementation, as well as with the task of making recommendations to national authorities in respect of necessary improvements to their systems. Through a dynamic process of mutual evaluations, peer review and regular follow-up of its reports, MONEYVAL aims to improve the capacities of national authorities to fight money laundering and the financing of terrorism more effectively.
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