
KPMG report on consumer protections of online services - including gambling
Responsible Gambling
A new report by KPMG has reviewed the consumer protection measures offered by various online services, including gambling, and found that EGBA members offer many and detailed consumer protection measures, particularly in respect to safer gambling and data protection.
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Monitoring gambling engagement and problem gambling in Europe
Responsible Gambling
Significant differences exist in how European countries monitor and report on problem gambling, according to a new study published by the City, University of London. The study found that just 12 countries have regular national surveys about problem gambling prevalence and significant differences exist in the measurement tools and methodologies used in these surveys.
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Consumer protection in EU online gambling regulation (update)
Responsible Gambling
A new study has found that 10 EU Member States have strengthened their consumer protection rules for online gambling since 2018, including the introduction of new national self-exclusion registers in Czechia, the Netherlands, and Slovenia, but there is significant fragmentation in how Member States implement their consumer protection rules.
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An Optimum Betting Market: A Regulatory, Fiscal & Integrity Assessment
Match Fixing
A first of its kind study assessing the regulation of betting in 20 jurisdictions across six continents and covering a range of licensing models. The study, conducted by leading global gambling data and intelligence company H2 Gambling Capital, evaluates the strengths and weakness of various regulatory frameworks for betting around the world. Consideration was also given to the effectiveness of betting product restrictions, along with the cost of match-fixing to the regulated betting sector globally. The study was commissioned by IBIA in partnership with EGBA, BGC, BOS, JDigital, NOGA.
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Consumer protection in EU online gambling regulation: Review of the implementation of selected provisions of European Union Commission Recommendation 2014/478/EU across EU States.
Gambling in the Single Market
A study by the City University London to review the implementation of selected provisions of the principles of the European Commission's Recommendation 2014/478/EU across EU Member States. The study reviewed specifically Member States rules addressing players’ identification, minors’ protection & social responsibilities measures. The study evaluates if the Recommendation sufficed to voluntarily nudge Member States to converge online gambling regulations and to achieve consistently high level of protection across the whole of the European Union.
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Study on the sharing of information and reporting of suspicious sports betting activity in the EU 28, Oxford Institute, 2014
Match Fixing
The study focuses on the regulation of information collection, storage, and sharing of information on suspicious sports betting activity, examining both formal regulations imposed through the legal and official regulatory system in each of the EU 28 Member States, along with industry-led self-regulatory approaches. While it is less common for Gambling Authorities to have a direct obligation to collect and process information on suspicious sports betting activity, gambling operators do frequently have an obligation to report to the gambling regulator.
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